[UFSM] Questão 13 - Língua Inglesa: Prepositions [Linguagens]

Ecotourist: What type are you?

Ecotourism accounts for 6% of the worldwide Gross Domestic Product with a staggering growth rate of 5% per year. The industry is being driven by a rising consumer demand, but 2there are different types of ecotourists.
6According to the United Nations, there are three types: hard ecotourist, soft ecotourist and the adventure ecotourist. 3They have a common interest but enjoy slightly different flavors of green travel.
The hard ecotourist is motivated primarily by a scientific interest in nature and is interested in bird watching, nature photography, and botanical trips. Sometimes they will take on activities that require strenuous effort and non-hotel accommodations.
The second type is the soft ecotourist. They are the fastest growing segment. This type is interested in observing wildlife and participating in local culture. Hiking is a favorite activity and they are less intense than the hard ecotourist.
5The third type is the adventure ecotourist. 4This type engages in moderate to high-risk activities such as surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, wind surfing, whitewater rafting, and sport fishing. These types are the adrenaline all or nothing types 8looking for a challenge.
Ecotourism promotes cultural awareness, tolerance and commitment to protecting the environment. But ecotourism does not mean sacrificing luxury. Luxury with an eco-experience is a fast growing market. There is an increasing demand from consumers for green luxury. 7It is a myth that in order to do things in an ecologically friendly way there is sacrifice. 1Being green does not mean a reduction in our quality of life, it actually means an improvement in our quality of life.

Fonte: Disponível em: . Acesso em 17 ago. 2012.  

 Considere os segmentos a seguir.
I. “According to the United Nations, there are three types” (ref. 6).
II. “This type engages in moderate to high-risk activities such as surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, wind surfing” (ref. 4).
III. “It is a myth that in order to do things in an ecologically friendly way there is sacrifice” (ref. 7).

Marque a alternativa que apresenta segmentos que substituam respectivamente as expressões sublinhadas em I, II e III, sem que haja alteração de sentido.

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