[UEPG] Questão 26 - Língua Inglesa: Adjectives [Linguagens]



Somewhere, an October 2011 newborn just pushed global population past seven billion, according to the United Nations Population Fund. If the birth occurred in Japan, France, The United States, or a handful or other wealthy nations, that landmark child will likely reach another milestone: a 100th birthday. Today, says Danish epidemiologist Kaare Christensen, more than half the babies in such well-off places are expected to become centenarians.


A typical life in an industrialized country is now about eighty years long – three decades longer than it was a century ago. In contrast, life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa is a mere fifty-three years. Infant health worldwide has generally improved; the global gap persists largely due to gains in seniors' health in developed countries. Earlier diagnoses of illnesses, especially heart disease, and more accessible buildings have helped improve late-life comfort and mobility. As a result, says Christensen, most of those lucky enough to reach 100 "would like to have another birthday."


How best to join the hundred-plus club? There's no single answer. But most studies of centenarians show that if you're a woman, a nonsmoker, wealthy, or slim, you're off to a good start.

Adaptado de: Brad Scriber. National Geographic Magazine. November 2011.


Com relação à classe gramatical a que pertencem os termos compostos "well-off", "late-life" e "hundredplus", presentes no primeiro, segundo e terceiro parágrafos, respectivamente, assinale a alternativa correta.

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