[ESCOLA NAVAL] Questão 07 - Língua Inglesa: Voz passiva [Linguagens]

Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

Many wounder as Moroccan police beat protestor

(Reuters) – Moroccan police beat protesters who defied a ban on demonstrations across the country on Sunday, leading to arrests and dozens of injuries, some of them life threatening, witnesses said.
Much of the anger __________ at the Makhzen, Morocco’s royal court. “Protest is a legal right, why is the Makhzen afraid?”, crowds in Casablanca chanted. “Makhzen get out. Down with despotism.”
A Reuters correspondent __________ seven riot police attacking one bearded man in his 30s, repeatedy hitting his head and body, causing severe bleeding.
“We __________ here to preserve order because of this unauthorized protest”, said a senior police officer on the scene who __________ to give his name.
No one was available at the Interior Ministry to comment on the protesters’ reports.

(Adapted from http://www.linkedin.com)

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