[PUC-RS] Questão 04 - Língua Inglesa: Prepositions [Linguagens]

Everyday conversational narratives of personal experience might be regarded as the country 3cousins of more well-wrought narratives. The work of archaeologist Nicholas Toth revolutionized the understanding of Stone Age tools. Prior to Toth’s studies, the received perspective was that early hominids chipped a cobble in such a way that it could be used 1as a pick or a hand ax. Researchers considered the splintered flakes as waste products and examined them for information about techniques used to shape the stone core tool. While others were analyzing the morphological shapes and cognitive correlates of the 4chipped cores, Toth, in a radical turnabout, discovered that the flakes were the primary tools and that the large stone was an incidental by-product, possibly a secondary tool. The flakes 5turned out to be “extremely effective cutting tools” for animals, wood, 6hides, and other work. We posit that, like stone flakes, mundane conversational narratives of personal experience constitute the prototype of narrative activity rather than the 2flawed by-product of more artful and planned narrative discourse.

OCHS, E. & CAPPS, L. (2001)Living Narrative – creating lives in everyday storytelling.Harvard University Press, England, p.3.

Chip – small piece of something, like wood or glass, mainly when it has broken off something.
Cobble – small round-shaped stone; cobblestones.
Well-wrought – skillfully shaped or decorated.

O termo “as” é empregado com o mesmo sentido em “could be used as a pick” (ref. 1) e em

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